
Channel market analysis of application-driven connection recovery.
Robert Surton.
PhD dissertation, Cornell University, 2014.

Application-driven TCP recovery.
Robert Surton, Ken Birman, and Robbert van Renesse.
Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN) 2013.

Network stacking considered harmful.
Robert Surton.
Computing Frontiers (CF) 2013.

Routers for the cloud: Can the Internet achieve 5-nines availability?
Andrei Agapi, Ken Birman, Robert Broberg, Chase Cotton, Thilo Keilmann, Martin Millnert, Rick Payne, Robert Surton, and Robbert van Renesse.
IEEE Internet Computing, September/October 2011.

Dr Multicast: ℞ for data center communication scalability.
Ymir Vigfusson, Hussam Abu-Libdeh, Mahesh Balakrishnan, Ken Birman, Gregory Chockler, Robert Burgess, Haoyuan Li, and Yoav Tock.
EuroSys 2010.

CrossTeX: A modern bibliography management tool.
Robert Burgess and Emin Gün Sirer.
TeX Users Group (TUG) 2007.